Integrated Assessment of Groundwater Potential Using Geospatial Techniques in Southern Africa: A Case Study in the Zambezi River Basin
George Z. Ndhlovu1  Yali E. Woyessa1 
[1] Department of Civil Engineering, Central University of Technology, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa;
关键词: groundwater resources assessment;    groundwater potential map;    integrated water management;    AHP;    remote sensing;    GIS;   
DOI  :  10.3390/w13192610
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Groundwater resources are largely used in rural communities of river basins due to their acceptable water quality and reliability for domestic purposes where little or no treatment is required. However, groundwater resources have been affected by changes in land use, mining activities, agricultural practices, industrial effluent, and urbanisation among anthropogenic influences while climate change impacts and volcanic eruptions have affected its involvement among the natural phenomena. The purpose of the study was to assess groundwater potential in the basin with the use of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), remote sensing, GIS techniques, and groundwater occurrence and movement influencing factors. These factors were used to produce seven thematic maps, which were then assigned weights and scale using an AHP tool, based on their degree of influence on groundwater occurrence and movement. A weighted groundwater potential map was produced with four zones denoted as 0.4% (317 km2) for very good potential; 27% (19,170 km2) for good potential; 61% (43,961 km2) for moderate potential and 12% (8639 km2) for poor potential. Validation, using existing boreholes, showed that 89% were overlain on moderate to very good potential zones and henceforth considered to be a novel approach which is useful for groundwater resources assessment and integrated water management in the basin.

【 授权许可】


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