Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
Mechanistic approach towards diabetic neuropathy screening techniques and future challenges: A review
Phool Chandra1  Rashmi Pathak2  Neetu Sachan2 
[1]Correspondence to: School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, IFTM University, Lodhipur Rajput Delhi Road (NH-24), Moradabad, UP 244102, India.
[2]School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, IFTM University, Lodhipur Rajput Delhi Road (NH-24), Moradabad, UP 244102, India
关键词: Diabetic neuropathy;    Mechanism of diabetic neuropathy development;    Pharmacotherapy;    Animal models;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Diabetic neuropathy, also called peripheral diabetic neuropathy (PDN), is among the most significant diabetes health consequences, alongside diabetic nephropathy, diabetic cardiomyopathy and diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic neuropathy is the existence of signs and indications of peripheral nerve damage in patients with diabetes after other causes have been governed out. Diabetic neuropathy is a painful and severe complication of diabetes that affects roughly 20% of people. The development of diabetic neuropathy is regulated by blood arteries that nourish the peripheral nerves and metabolic problems such as increased stimulation of polyol pathway, loss of myo-inositol and enhanced non-enzymatic glycation. It's divided into four types based on where neurons are most affected: autonomic, peripheral, proximal, and focal, with each kind presenting different symptoms like numbing, gastrointestinal disorders, and heart concerns. Pharmacotherapy for neuropathic pain is complex and for many patients, effective treatment is lacking; as a result, scientific proof recommendations are crucial. As a result, the current demand is to give the most vital medications or combinations of drugs that work directly on the nerves to help diabetic neuropathy patients feel less pain without causing any adverse effects. In diabetic neuropathy research, animal models are ubiquitous, with rats and mice being the most typically chosen for various reasons. This review covers the epidemiology, clinical features, pathology, clinical symptom, mechanism of diabetic neuropathy development, diagnosis, screening models of animals, diabetic neuropathy pharmacotherapy.
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