Effect of SiC Nanoparticles on AZ31 Magnesium Alloy
Konstantin Borodianskiy1  Song-Jeng Huang2  Murugan Subramani2 
[1] Department of Chemical Engineering, Ariel University, Ariel 40700, Israel;Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei 10607, Taiwan;
关键词: AZ31 magnesium alloy;    nanocomposites;    stir casting;    mechanical properties;    wear resistance;   
DOI  :  10.3390/ma15031004
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Magnesium alloys are attractive for the production of lightweight parts in modern automobile and aerospace industries due to their advanced properties. Their mechanical properties are usually enhanced by the incorporation with reinforcement particles. In the current study, reinforced AZ31 magnesium alloy was fabricated through the addition of bulk Al and the incorporation of SiC nanoparticles using a stir casting process to obtain AZ31-SiC nanocomposites. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) investigations revealed the formation of Mg17Al12 lamellar intermetallic structures and SiC clusters in the nanocomposites. Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) detected the uniform distribution of SiC nanoparticles in the AZ31-SiC nanocomposites. Enhancements in hardness and yield strength (YS) were detected in the fabricated nanocomposites. This behavior was referred to a joint strengthening mechanisms which showed matrix-reinforcement coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) and elastic modulus mismatches, Orowan strengthening, and load transfer mechanism. The mechanical properties and wear resistance were gradually increased with an increase in SiC content in the nanocomposite. The maximum values were obtained from nanocomposites containing 1 wt% of SiC (AZ31-1SiC). AZ31-1SiC nanocomposite YS and hardness were improved by 27% and 30%, respectively, compared to AZ31 alloy. This nanocomposite also exhibited the highest wear resistance; its wear mass loss and depth of the worn surface decreased by 26% and 15%, respectively, compared to AZ31 alloy.

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