Archive of Oncology
Palliative chemotherapy followed by consolidation radiotherapy in patients with advanced and metastatic non-small cell lung cancer not suitable for radical treatment
关键词: Carcinoma;    Non-Small-Cell Lung;    Radiotherapy;    Radiotherapy Dosage;    Antineoplastic Agents;    Treatment Outcome;   
DOI  :  10.2298/AOO1202008E
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Background: This is a retrospective study to assess the effectiveness ofconsolidation radiotherapy (CRT) following palliative chemotherapy inpatients with metastatic or locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC) who are not suitable for radical treatment. Methods: This studyinvolved retrospective analysis of a prospective database of NorthamptonOncology Center from January 2005 through December 2010, 63 patients withadvanced/metastatic NSCLC treated at the oncology center were enrolled.Patients were either treated with high dose (39/36 Gy /13-12 fractions,group 1) or low dose (20 Gy /5 fractions, group 2) CRT or there were thosewho were not offered any CRT (group 3). Results: There was no significantdifference between the three groups as regard age, sex, performance status,comorbidities or chemotherapy given. However, there was a statisticallysignificant difference as regard the stage P = 0.009 with more stage IVpatients at group II and III compared to group I. The mean survival for thethree groups was 27m, 14m & 15m respectively. There was a statisticallysignificant improvement of survival in patients treated with high dosepalliative CRT compared to the other two groups (P = 0.006). In multivariateanalysis only the radiotherapy dose remains as the only statisticalsignificant factor affecting the survival with hazard ratio 0.372 andconfidence interval (0.147-0.726). Conclusion: Despite the limitation of ourretrospective study, it is worth considering CRT approach for patients withadvanced and metastatic NSCLC - not suitable for radical treatment - whohave not progressed on chemotherapy.

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