Frontiers in Immunology
Novel Peptide-Based PD1 Immunomodulators Demonstrate Efficacy in Infectious Disease Vaccines and Therapeutics
Timothy W. Phares1  Vinayaka Kotraiah1  Gabriel M. Gutierrez1  James Pannucci1  Rajkannan Rajagopalan2  Genevieve M. Weir2  Marianne M. Stanford2  Alecia MacKay2  Charles Reed3  Kenneth D. Tucker4  Amy R. Noe4  Jayne M. Christen4  Cecille D. Browne4  Alfred Ayala5  Chun-Shiang Chung5  Marc Mansour6  Moriya Tsuji7  Jing Huang7 
[1] Explorations in Global Health (ExGloH), Leidos Inc., Frederick, MD, United States;IMV Inc., Dartmouth, NS, Canada;Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Plymouth Meeting, PA, United States;Leidos Life Sciences, Leidos Inc., Frederick, MD, United States;Lifespan-Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI, United States;MM Scientific Consultants, Inc., Halifax, NS, Canada;The Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, New York, NY, United States;
关键词: vaccine;    peptides;    adjuvant;    checkpoint;    T-cell;    cancer;   
DOI  :  10.3389/fimmu.2020.00264
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Many pathogens use the same immune evasion mechanisms as cancer cells. Patients with chronic infections have elevated levels of checkpoint receptors (e.g., programed cell death 1, PD1) on T cells. Monoclonal antibody (mAb)-based inhibitors to checkpoint receptors have also been shown to enhance T-cell responses in models of chronic infection. Therefore, inhibitors have the potential to act as a vaccine “adjuvant” by facilitating the expansion of vaccine antigen-specific T-cell repertoires. Here, we report the discovery and characterization of a peptide-based class of PD1 checkpoint inhibitors, which have a potent adaptive immunity adjuvant capability for vaccines against infectious diseases. Briefly, after identifying peptides that bind to the recombinant human PD1, we screened for in vitro efficacy in reporter assays and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) readouts. We first found the baseline in vivo performance of the peptides in a standard mouse oncology model that demonstrated equivalent efficacy compared to mAbs against the PD1 checkpoint. Subsequently, two strategies were used to demonstrate the utility of our peptides in infectious disease indications: (1) as a therapeutic in a bacteria-induced lethal sepsis model in which our peptides were found to increase survival with enhanced bacterial clearance and increased macrophage function; and (2) as an adjuvant in combination with a prophylactic malaria vaccine in which our peptides increased T-cell immunogenicity and the protective efficacy of the vaccine. Therefore, our peptides are promising as both a therapeutic agent and a vaccine adjuvant for infectious disease with a potentially safer and more cost-effective target product profile compared to mAbs. These findings are essential for deploying a new immunomodulatory regimen in infectious disease primary and clinical care settings.

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