A novel integrated approach for the hazardous radioactive dust source terms estimation in future nuclear fusion power plants
A. Malizia1  L.A. Poggi2  P. Gaudio3  J.F. Ciparisse3 
[1] Quantum Electronics and Plasma Physics (QEP) Research Group, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Via del Politecnico 1, 00133 Rome, Italy;Corresponding author.;Quantum Electronics and Plasma Physics (QEP) Research Group, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Via del Politecnico 1, 00133 Rome, Italy;
关键词: Plasma physics;    Physics methods;    Nuclear physics;    Nonlinear physics;    Engineering;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

An open issue still under investigation by several international entities working on the safety and security field for the foreseen nuclear fusion reactors is the estimation of source terms that are a hazard for the operators and public, and for the machine itself in terms of efficiency and integrity in case of severe accident scenarios. Source term estimation is a crucial key safety issue to be addressed in the future reactors safety assessments, and the estimates available at the time are not sufficiently satisfactory. The lack of neutronic data along with the insufficiently accurate methodologies used until now, calls for an integrated methodology for source term estimation that can provide predictions with an adequate accuracy. This work proposes a complete methodology to estimate dust source terms starting from a broad information gathering. The wide number of parameters that can influence dust source term production is reduced with statistical tools using a combination of screening, sensitivity analysis, and uncertainty analysis. Finally, a preliminary and simplified methodology for dust source term production prediction for future devices is presented.

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