Drivers of Timberline Dynamics in Rodna Montains, Northern Carpathians, Romania, Over the Last 131 Years
Petruț-Ionel Bistricean1  Dumitru Mihăilă1  Vasilică-Dănuț Horodnic1 
[1] Department of Geography, Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, 720229 Suceava, Romania;
关键词: regional warming;    timberline;    GIS;    land-use changes;   
DOI  :  10.3390/su13042089
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Currently, there is little information regarding the recent spatiotemporal dynamics of upper timberline in the Carpathian Mountains. We reconstructed the temporal (1887–2018) and spatial dynamics of upper timberline in the Rodna Mountains (Eastern Carpathians) based on seven sets of maps and aerial photographs and explained its variability in relation to three main drivers: air temperature, land morphometry and anthropogenic pressure. The impact of natural drivers (temperature, morphometry) on timberline position was evaluated using a high-resolution digital elevation model, local and regional instrumental and modelled climate databases. The impact of anthropogenic factors on timberline position was documented from published sources such as local paleolimnological studies and historical documents. Results show that timberline rose on average with 113 ± 2 m on the northern slope of the Rodna Mts (currently reaching 1640 m above sea level (a.s.l.)) and with 182 ± 2 m on the southern slope (up to an elevation of 1539 m a.s.l.). Our results suggest that this pattern might be connected with the rising temperature over the recent decades. On the northern slope where land morphometry restricts anthropogenic activities, timberline reached the highest elevation. On the more accessible southern slope, anthropogenic land-use changes likely moderated timberline elevational rise under increasing temperatures.

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