Achieving a 3D Thermally Conductive while Electrically Insulating Network in Polybenzoxazine with a Novel Hybrid Filler Composed of Boron Nitride and Carbon Nanotubes
Florian Tomiak1  Kevin Schneider1  Dietmar Drummer1  Yi Wang2  Chao Liu2  Zhengqiang Huang2  Wei Wu2 
[1] Institute of Polymer Technology, Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, 91058 Erlangen, Germany;Sino-German Joint Research Centre of Advanced Materials, School of Materials Science and Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China;
关键词: fillers;    functionalization of polymers;    networks;    nanocomposites;   
DOI  :  10.3390/polym12102331
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

To solve the problem of excessive heat accumulation in the electronic packaging field, a novel series of hybrid filler (BN@CNT) with a hierarchical “line-plane” structure was assembled via a condensation reaction between functional boron nitride(f-BN) and acid treated carbon nanotubes (a-CNTs). The reactions with different mass ratios of BN and CNTs and the effect of the obtained hybrid filler on the composites’ thermal conductivity were studied. According to the results, BN@15CNT exhibited better effects on promoting thermal conductivity of polybenzoxazine(PBz) composites which were prepared via ball milling and hot compression. The thermally conductive coefficient value of PBz composites, which were loaded with 25 wt% of BN@15CNT hybrid fillers, reached 0.794 W· m−1· K−1. The coefficient value was improved to 0.865 W· m−1· K−1 with 15 wt% of BN@15CNT and 10 wt% of BN. Although CNTs were adopted, the PBz composites maintained insulation. Dielectric properties and thermal stability of the composites were also studied. In addition, different thermal conduction models were used to manifest the mechanism of BN@CNT hybrid fillers in enhancing thermal conductivity of PBz composites.

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