Materials & Design
Deformation twinning versus slip in Ni-based alloys, containing Pt2Mo-structured, Ni2Cr-typed precipitates
M. Schneider1  H.T. Vo2  P. Hosemann3  B.P. Eftink3  S.A. Maloy3  K. Dang3  J.D. Tucker3  L. Capolungo4  F. Teng4 
[1] Characterization and Advanced PIE Division, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID, USA;Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA;Los Alamos National Laboratory, Materials Science Division, NM, USA;School of Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA;
关键词: Nickel-based alloys;    Deformation twinning;    Micromechanical testing;    Atomistic simulations;    Dislocations;    Ordered precipitates;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Nickel-based alloys are extensively used in a wide range of extreme environments because of their exceptional mechanical properties. The excellent strength of these alloys is derived from the addition of long-range ordered precipitates, introduced by thermal aging. The interactions between the dislocations and LRO precipitates dictate the deformation modes and plastic response in these alloys. While the majority of studies have focused on L12-structured precipitate-strengthened Ni-based alloys, less work has considered the Ni-based alloys containing Pt2Mo-structured, Ni2(Cr,Mo)-typed precipitates. In these alloys, Pt2Mo-structured precipitates enable room-temperature deformation twinning in addition to slip, which increases strain hardenability measured from bulk mechanical testing. Although previous geometric-based model suggested that deformation twinning is favored over slip, the factors that influence the activation between twinning versus slip have not been thoroughly explored in this class of Ni-based alloys. In this work, molecular dynamics examined the possible types of dislocation and Pt2Mo-structured precipitate interactions at low temperature. Combined with in situ micromechanical testing, the role of resolved shear stresses on dislocation partials were shown to directly influence the activation of slip versus twinning. Additionally, using an energy-based approach, molecular dynamics results demonstrated a novel twin formation process, caused by the dislocation interaction with the Pt2Mo-structured precipitates.

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