Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology
Comparative evaluation of implant stability with and without autologous platelet-rich fibrin prior to prosthetic loading - A split-mouth randomized clinical trial
关键词: dental implants;    implant stability;    osseointegration;    platelet-rich fibrin;    resonance frequency analysis;   
DOI  :  10.4103/jisp.jisp_74_21
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Context: Status of bone–implant interface or osseointegration can be assessed by using resonance frequency analysis (RFA), which measures implant stability. A modified implant surface can significantly enhance osseointegration and reduce healing period. Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) consists of fibrin mesh with entrapped platelets and leukocytes that release a huge number of growth factors which contribute to wound healing and tissue regeneration. Aims: The present study aims to evaluate the effect of PRF on osseointegration in terms of implant stability. Settings and Design: This was a split-mouth randomized clinical trial. Materials and Methods: Sixty surgical sites were divided randomly into two groups. In Group 1 (thirty sites), PRF was placed in osteotomy sites before implant placement whereas no PRF was placed in Group 2 (thirty sites). Stability was measured using RFA in terms of implant stability quotient (ISQ) at baseline, 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months. Statistical Analysis: Intergroup comparison was done using Mann–Whitney U-test. Intragroup comparison was done using Friedman's test followed by pairwise comparison using Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Results: On intergroup comparison, Group 1 showed higher values for ISQ which were statistically significant (P < 0.05) at 1 week and 1 month. No significant difference (P > 0.05) was found at baseline and 3 months. Intragroup comparison and further pairwise comparison revealed a highly significant difference for values between all pairs of time intervals (P < 0.01) with higher values at 3 months. Conclusions: PRF has a significant effect on osseointegration of dental implants during the early healing period prior to loading.

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