Ouverture de ‘Market-Driven Management and Competitive Customer Value-2’
关键词: capitalism crisis;    market-driven management;    competitive customer value;    global markets;    corporate values;    sustainable economic growth;   
DOI  :  10.4468/2009.2.01ouverture
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The economic and financial crisis has generated numerous articles announcing the end of the capitalistic system. As a matter of fact, such considerations regarding the capitalistic system abandonment are highly nebulous and surely leave us very perplexed. Nowadays, almost all the markets are global and in global markets doesn’t exist any right that would regulate the economy. Nevertheless, we wonder if the capitalist system could evolve towards a sustainable economic growth. For the corporations the challenge is considerable: how to reconcile the profitability and the reduction of waste and pollution?

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