Modeling, Identification and Control
Cartesian Trajectory Tracking for Manipulators Using Optimal Control Theory
关键词: Robots;    kinematically redundant manipulators;    optimal control;   
DOI  :  10.4173/mic.1987.3.2
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

A Cartesian trajectory tracking system for manipulators is developed using optimal control theory. By including the Cartesian position in the state vector, transformation of the trajectory from Cartesian space to manipulator joint space is avoided, and the Jacobian matrix need not be inverted. The tracking system may also be applied to kinematically redundant manipulators. For this type of manipulator, singularities are avoided by choosing a suitable performance index in the optimal control problem. Simulation using a simple kinematically redundant manipulator shows that a small tracking error can be achieved with low motor torques.

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