Frontiers in Marine Science
Disparate Inventories of Hypoxia Gene Sets Across Corals Align With Inferred Environmental Resilience
Mathieu Pernice1  David J. Suggett1  Rachel Alderdice1  Christian R. Voolstra2  Benjamin C. C. Hume2  Michael Kühl3 
[1] Climate Change Cluster, Faculty of Science, University of Technology Sydney, Ultimo, NSW, Australia;Department of Biology, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany;Marine Biology Section, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Helsingør, Denmark;
关键词: hypoxia;    coral reef;    gene expansion;    orthology;    copy number variation;   
DOI  :  10.3389/fmars.2022.834332
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Aquatic deoxygenation has been flagged as an overlooked but key factor contributing to mass bleaching-induced coral mortality. During deoxygenation events triggered by coastal nutrient pollution and ocean warming, oxygen supplies lower to concentrations that can elicit an aerobic metabolic crisis i.e., hypoxia. Surprisingly little is known of the fundamental hypoxia gene set inventory that corals possess to respond to lowered oxygen (i.e., deoxygenation). For instance, it is unclear whether gene copy number differences exist across species that may affect the efficacy of a measured transcriptomic stress response. Therefore, we conducted an ortholog-based meta-analysis to investigate how hypoxia gene inventories differ amongst coral species to assess putative copy number variations (CNVs). We specifically elucidated CNVs for a compiled list of 32 hypoxia genes across 24 protein sets from species with a sequenced genome spanning corals from the robust and complex clade. We found approximately a third of the investigated genes exhibited copy number differences, and these differences were species-specific rather than attributable to the robust-complex split. Interestingly, we consistently found the highest gene expansion present in Porites lutea, which is considered to exhibit inherently greater stress tolerance than other species. Consequently, our analysis suggests that hypoxia stress gene expansion may coincide with increased stress tolerance. As such, the unevenly expanded (or reduced) hypoxia genes presented here provide key genes of interest to target in examining (or diagnosing) coral stress responses. Important next steps will involve determining to what extent such gene copy differences align with certain coral traits.

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