Proceedings of the XXth Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT
Improving Recovery Block Method for More Reliable Client-Server Communication
Nikita Voinov1  Daniil Ageev1 
[1]Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia
关键词: client-server communication;    fault tolerance;    recovery block;    probability of successful operation;   
DOI  :  10.5281/zenodo.6517041
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Nowadays high availability and reliability are essential characteristics of any enterprise client-server architecture. This primarily requires a stable and fault-tolerant operation of the server side which can hardly be guaranteed without possibility to select an appropriate server depending on specific client needs. In this case fault-tolerance is provided by the client side. One of the main principles used for such approach is Recovery Block. Described in this paper is a new algorithm for increasing fault tolerance in client-server communication. It is based on Recovery Block method and allows ranking of available servers with their stability factor and making decision of removing unstable servers considering previous connection attempts.
【 授权许可】


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