Journal of Affective Disorders Reports
Eating-related guilt and mental health across middle childhood to early adolescence
Kathryn E. Smith1  Tyler B. Mason2  Daniel Chu2  Genevieve F. Dunton2  Christine Naya3 
[1] Corresponding author at: University of Southern California, 2001 Soto St., Los Angeles, CA 90032, USA, Tel- (323) 442-8203;Department of Population and Public Health Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA;Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA;
关键词: Eating;    Guilt;    Children;    Internalizing symptoms;    Longitudinal;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Background: Limited research exists on the association of eating-related guilt and mental health across middle childhood to early adolescence. Therefore, this study was guided by two aims: (1) to examine cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between eating-related guilt and mental health (i.e., internalizing symptoms and self-esteem) and (2) to examine how executive functioning deficits moderate the cross-sectional association between eating-related guilt and mental health. Methods: Children (N = 202) completed self-report measures of eating-related guilt, internalizing symptoms, and self-esteem across three years in six semi-annual waves. A self-report measure of executive functioning deficits was completed at Wave 6. Results: Eating-related guilt was positively associated with internalizing symptoms cross-sectionally, but there were no prospective associations. There was a significant parallel association between eating-related guilt and internalizing symptoms slopes, suggesting increases in eating-related guilt were positively associated with internalizing symptoms across waves. Eating-related guilt and self-esteem were unrelated. There was an interaction of eating-related guilt and executive functioning deficits in relation to internalizing symptoms and self-esteem such that at high executive functioning deficits, there was a relation between higher eating-related guilt and higher internalizing symptoms and lower self-esteem. Limitations: Constructs were assessed with self-report measures, with eating-related guilt being assessed with an abbreviated measure. For the second aim, only cross-sectional data were available for executive functioning. Conclusions: Eating-related guilt and internalizing symptoms appear to track together across middle childhood and early adolescence; executive functioning deficits may explain risk for negative outcomes for children experiencing eating-related guilt.

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