Applications in Energy and Combustion Science
Experimental assessment of the impact of variation in jet fuel properties on spray flame liftoff height
Mitchell Hageman1  Brye Windell2  Stephen Lucas2  Bret Windom2  Radi Alsulami3 
[1] Department of Aeronautics, United State Air Force Academy (USAFA), CO 80840, USA;Department of Mechanical Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA;Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia;
关键词: Spray flame;    Jet fuel;    Alternative jet fuel;    Surrogate;    Atomization;    Vaporization;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Ensuring efficient and clean combustion performance of liquid-fueled engines requires comprehension of the influence of fuel composition and properties on flame behavior, such as flame liftoff height (LOH) and lean blowout limit (LBO). Spray flame stability is strongly affected by both the fuel reactivity and physical properties. Herein, the flame stability mechanism represented by LOH is investigated for seven jet turbine fuels, including surrogate, alternative, and conventional jet fuels, using a laboratory spray burner. Based on the experimental observations, the current work introduces a new analysis, which provides insight into the competing/complementing processes that occur in a multi-phase reacting system and highlights the key properties important in spray flame dynamics, accounting for both the fuel spray/vaporization as well as the chemical reactivity, to explain the relative differences in LOH of complex multicomponent fuels. Results show that spray flame stabilization occurs when there is a balance between the local spray burning velocity and the incoming jet velocity, which is strongly associated with laminar flame speed and the relative amount of liquid and gaseous fuel crossing the flame preheat region. Using a multicomponent droplet evaporation model, it was observed that preferential vaporization of the lighter and more reactive species of the simple surrogate fuels contribute to a shorter lifted flame as compared to fuels consisting of heavier and/or less reactive components. The LOH of real jet fuels showed strong sensitivity to droplet vaporization and mixing, which is controlled by the fuels’ volatility (i.e., boiling temperature at 50% distillation volume) and atomized droplet size, and to a lesser extent the reactivity represented by laminar flame speed. The enhanced linearity in the correlation of 50% vapor distilled compared to the other distillation cuts suggests that preferential vaporization could play an important role in defining the LOH stabilization mechanism even for more complex fuels.

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