BMC Psychiatry
First-episode psychosis in treatment-resistant schizophrenia: a cross-sectional study of a long-term follow-up cohort
Hiroshi Yamanaka1  Masayuki Takase2  Tomotaka Suzuki2  Masaomi Iyo2  Nobuhisa Kanahara3 
[1] Department of Psychiatry, Chiba Psychiatric Medical Center;Department of Psychiatry, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine;Division of Medical Treatment and Rehabilitation, Center for Forensic Mental Health, Chiba University;
关键词: Antipsychotic;    First-episode psychosis;    Negative symptoms;    Positive symptoms;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s12888-018-1853-1
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract Background Approximately one-third of schizophrenia patients eventually develop treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS). Although the time course of TRS development varies from patient to patient, the details of these variations have not been clarified. The present study compared the duration of time required to achieve control of the first-episode psychosis (FEP) between patients who went on to develop TRS and those who did not, in order to determine whether a bifurcation point exists for the transition to TRS. Methods The present study included 271 schizophrenia patients. Based on the clinical assessment, each patient was assigned to a TRS (n = 79) or Non-TRS group (n = 182). Clinical factors relating to FEP treatment such as the duration of initial hospital admission and the degree of improvement were retrospectively identified. Results There was no significant difference in the duration of initial hospital admission (defined as the time from treatment introduction to successful discharge) between the two groups (mean of 87.9 days for TRS vs. 53.3 days for Non-TRS). The degree of improvement during initial hospital admission of the TRS group was significantly lower than that of the Non-TRS group (Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) of 50 points for TRS vs. 61 points for Non-TRS). Approximately half of the TRS patients showed an acute onset pattern and longer hospital admission (mean 169 days) for their FEP. The other half of TRS patients needed no hospital admission, indicating an insidious onset pattern with no clear psychotic episode and treatment introduction without hospital admission. Conclusions Future TRS patients can have difficulty in improvement during their FEP. There appear to be two distinct patterns for the development of TRS. One pattern is characterized by refractory positive symptoms and a longer period to control the first psychosis; the other shows latent or insidious onset and poor response to the initial treatment.

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