Lead Biosorption Characterisation of Aspergillus piperis
Maria Martha Marthina de Wet1  Hendrik Gideon Brink1 
[1] Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Pretoria, Lynnwood Rd., Hatfield 0081, South Africa;
关键词: Aspergillus piperis;    lead;    heavy metals;    adsorption;    biosorption;    mycoremediation;   
DOI  :  10.3390/su132313169
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this study, the Pb(II) adsorption capabilities of the heavy metal tolerant strain of fungus, Aspergillus piperis, were studied. This study involved finding optimal growth conditions using a plating technique, and optimal adsorption conditions using submerged fermentation and fractional factorial experimental design. The adsorption behaviour was then elucidated using isotherm and kinetic models, of which the one surface Langmuir isotherm provided the best fit, with a maximum predicted adsorption capacity of 275.82 mg g−1. The kinetic models suggested that internal mass transfer is the driving force behind the reaction rate. After adsorption, biomass surface characterisation was undertaken using FESEM, EDS, and ATR-FTIR to explain observations. The system was characterised by a cation exchange mechanism with strong carboxyl and organophosphorus group interactions. This study demonstrates that due to the ease of propagation and high adsorption capacity, this locally sourced fungal strain is an ideal adsorbent for industrial Pb(II) bioremediation.

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