Performance of a modified magnetostrictive energy harvester in mechanical vibration
Debabrata Roy1  Subhasish Dey2  Tapan Santra2  Soumyabrata Patra2 
[1] Corresponding author.;Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, India;
关键词: Electrical engineering;    Energy;    Mechanical engineering;    Electromagnetism;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The field of harvesting electrical energy from ambient vibration has grown with rapid interest. Perpetual source of electrical energy can be extracted from structural vibrations. The paper deals with a technology for scavenging electricity from vibration using iron-gallium alloy. This alloy offers high ductile property and the effect of inverse magnetostriction is also quite high. In this paper, a bending type magnetostrictive prototype energy harvester has been considered. Volume of the used material is 7 × 2 × 42 mm3. Forced & free vibration characteristics have been examined on this prototype. Maximum conversion efficiency of 49% has been achieved at input frequency of 30 Hz.

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