Rate of Entropy Production in Evolving Interfaces and Membranes under Astigmatic Kinematics: Shape Evolution in Geometric-Dissipation Landscapes
Phillip Servio1  AlejandroD. Rey1  Ziheng Wang1 
[1] Department of Chemical Engineering, McGill University, 3610 University Street, Montreal, QC H3A 2B2, Canada;
关键词: entropy production rate;    Boussinesq-Scriven dissipation;    surface evolution;    astigmatic flow;    shape parameter;    Casorati curvature;   
DOI  :  10.3390/e22090909
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper presents theory and simulation of viscous dissipation in evolving interfaces and membranes under kinematic conditions, known as astigmatic flow, ubiquitous during growth processes in nature. The essential aim is to characterize and explain the underlying connections between curvedness and shape evolution and the rate of entropy production due to viscous bending and torsion rates. The membrane dissipation model used here is known as the Boussinesq-Scriven fluid model. Since the standard approaches in morphological evolution are based on the average, Gaussian and deviatoric curvatures, which comingle shape with curvedness, this paper introduces a novel decoupled approach whereby shape is independent of curvedness. In this curvedness-shape landscape, the entropy production surface under constant homogeneous normal velocity decays with growth but oscillates with shape changes. Saddles and spheres are minima while cylindrical patches are maxima. The astigmatic flow trajectories on the entropy production surface, show that only cylinders and spheres grow under the constant shape. Small deviations from cylindrical shapes evolve towards spheres or saddles depending on the initial condition, where dissipation rates decrease. Taken together the results and analysis provide novel and significant relations between shape evolution and viscous dissipation in deforming viscous membrane and surfaces.

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