Interdisciplinary Journal of Virtual Learning in Medical Sciences
The comparison of the effect of traditional and off-line electronic educational methods on the knowledge and attitude of the undergraduate dental students of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
Farin Kiany Yazdi1  Nahid Zarifsanaiey2  Sara Karanjam3 
[1] Assistant professor of periodontology department of Periodontics, School of Dentistry, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran;Associate Professor and Head of Department of eLearning planning in Medical Sciences Center of excellence for electronic learning Shiraz University of medical sciences Shiraz, Iran.;M.Sc. Medical, Education Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran;
关键词: case based learning;    personal learning;    off-line (forum) e-learning;    knowledge;    attitudes;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Introduction: E-learning as one of the new methods of learning makes it possible to achieve skills at higher levels without time and space constraints. The purpose of this research was to compare the effect of case-based learning in two ways of personal and off-line (forum) E-learning on the knowledge and attitudes of undergraduate medical students of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences.Methods: This is a semi-experimental research, which was conducted on 44 dental students in the academic year of 2014. Sampling was a block randomizing. Both groups were given written exams before and after teaching in order to evaluate the participants’ awareness and knowledge of the content, the satisfaction level and attitudes of both groups were questioned by the application of an exam following the Likert scale format of 1-5. In this study, a paired samples t-test was used for comparing students’ pretest and posttest scores in each group, and an independent samples t-test was run for comparing the changes in scores, students’ attitudes, and satisfaction in both groups. In case of derivation from the normal distribution hypothesis, non-parametric equivalents were used in these tests. The acceptable significant level was α=0.05.Results: The mean score of primary awareness in both groups of personal and E-learning was statistically the same (p=0.647). A significant increase was observed in the awareness level of people after the application of learning (p < 0.001). The awareness of people in personal and E-learning groups before learning (median=2) was significantly increased compared to that after learning (personal: median=5 and electronic: median=6). The increase of awareness in personal and E-learning groups was statistically the same (p=0.216). Generally, the increase of awareness level was similar in women and men (p=0.822). There was not a significant relationship between people’s attitude with the learning method and age of the participants. Conclusion: Given that the learning and attitudes of students in off-line (forum) E-learning and personal learning was the same, and regarding the effectiveness of E-learning in time reduction and saving of costs and educational facilities, this new method can be used as a part of learning activities in medical learning program.

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