International Conference on Computing and Applied Informatics 2016
Designing Knowledge of The PPC with Semantic Network
Fajar Santoso, Ari^1 ; Supriana, Iping^2 ; Surendro, Kridanto^2
School of Industrial Engineering and Information System, Telkom University, Indonesia^1
School of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia^2
关键词: intelligence;    knowledge;    Manufacturing domains;    Manufacturing operations;    Manufacturing process;    Production planning control;    Production Scheduling;    Semantic network;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/801/1/012015/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/801/1/012015
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
A manufacturing process is a very complex activity, which involves a variety of knowledge, such as the product design and description, manufacturing operations, tools, machines, and the relationships between these entities. Production planning control (PPC) as dominant part of manufacturing process has a very important role in determining the measures taken by the management of company. The PPC construction is an interactive process that requires the collaboration of both ICT and manufacture experts. Building PPC process can be used as a basis for making knowledge in manufacturing domain that will be used in manufacturing intelligent system. This paper describes about designing knowledge with semantic network in the production scheduling.
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