Sustainability Analysis of the E-Learning Education System during Pandemic Period—COVID-19 in Romania
NicoletaLuminita Gudanescu Nicolau1  MarilenaCarmen Uzlau1  ConstantinAurelian Ionescu1  Liliana Paschia1  SorinaGeanina Stanescu2  MihaelaDenisa Coman2  VeronicaMaria Neacsu Stancescu3 
[1] Faculty of Economics, Hyperion University of Bucharest, 030615 Bucharest, Romania;Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Science and Technology, Valahia University of Targoviste, 130004 Targoviste, Romania;Mental Health Center, Targoviste County Emergency Hospital, 130083 Targoviste, Romania;
关键词: e-learning;    online learning;    sustainable learning process;    information technology;    virtual learning;   
DOI  :  10.3390/su12219030
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The unprecedented situation of the COVID-19 pandemic has generated radical transformations of the Romanian education system, forcing teachers as well as students to adapt in a short time to new social conditions and to the online learning process. The paper analyzes the sustainability of the e-learning system implemented in Romania during the pandemic, and it is based on an opinion poll based on a questionnaire developed on three levels of schooling (middle school, high school, and university), analyzed from three perspectives, teachers–students–parents, and identifying the possible psychological effects on students, resulting from the corroboration of social isolation with the online continuation of the educational process. Although before the pandemic the e-learning system was rarely used by both students and teachers, the research results indicate that students have accepted online learning, even if they find it less attractive than the traditional education system. From the teacher–student–parent perspective, e-learning is an effective sustainable learning solution in current and future conditions, but it requires good collaboration between parents and teachers, careful monitoring of children’s/students’ behavior to identify and combat possible effects determined by the changing way of learning and of social realities.

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