Internet innovation in PR management
Ćalasan Veljko B.1 
[1]Univerzitet za mir Ujedinjenih nacija, Fakultet Evropskog centra za mir i razvoj (ECPD), Beograd
关键词: PR;    Management;    Economics;    Internet;    Innovation;    Genesis of innovation;   
DOI  :  10.5937/tehnika1402326C
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
PR Management in the last decade has evolved to unimaginable limits . Its rapid 'evolution ' is directly linked to the development and innovation, above all, of internet communications - Cyber 'world'. Although the genesis of PR management was announced in a way, the changes of the modern PR management have led to a change in the general attitude towards this particular activity. It has become an indispensable factor for the success of every business or social enterprise. In the general run for internet contents with better quality, as an indispensable tool of PR management , for better use of cyberspace , a new generation of PR manager is created, who has almost no resemblance to the earlier managers before two decades. For these reasons, we believe that Internet innovation through the implementation of PR management, changed the world economy and society. Adjusting speed to this, virtual , yet very real world , is proportional to the speed of development of an economic system as a whole, or any company at the micro level , and society in general .Internet is not an important innovation itself to be sufficient to meet the form and define the essence of economic relations. Only its proper exploitation with the constant use of tested and more intense innovation is the only way to the overall success . The absence of the above, in our opinion, is a sure path to failure.
【 授权许可】


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