Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine
Sulphate mineral waters: A medical resource in several disorders
Viviana Izzo1  Valeria Conti2  Antonella Guida3  Amelia Filippelli3  Maria Costantino3  Valentina Manzo3 
[1]Association non-profit F.I.R.S.Thermae (Interdisciplinary Training, Researches and spa Sciences) in Italian National Register of Research of MIUR, Naples, Via marziale 21, 80070, Bacoli, NA, Italy
[2]Corresponding author. Via S. Allende,1, 84081, Baronissi, SA, Italy.
[3]Department of Medicine, Surgery and Dentistry “Scuola Medica Salernitana”, University of Salerno, Via S. Allende, 84081, Baronissi, SA, Italy
关键词: Sulphate anion;    Spa therapy;    Spa medicine;    Chronic disorders;    Complementary therapy;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Based on their chemical composition, salus per aquam (spa) mineral waters (or medical mineral waters) can be classified as sulphurous, sulphate, bicarbonate etc. Sulphate mineral waters where the predominant element is sulphate anion SO42−, are frequently used in clinical therapy. In this review, we describe and analyze the current scientific knowledge concerning the therapeutic effect of sulphate mineral waters in the treatment of several disorders.Moreover, we underline how important is to integrate spa treatments with other therapeutic approaches to meet the various needs that can arise during a specific pathological state.
【 授权许可】


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