Iranian Journal of Wood and Paper Industries
Analysis of stress- strain distribution of dowel and glue line in L-type furniture joint by means of finite element method
payam moradpour1  mossayeb dalvand2 
[1] Assistance Prof., Department of wood and paper science and technology, Faculty of natural resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran;PhD Student, Department of wood and paper science and technology, Faculty of natural resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran;
关键词: Stress;    Strain;    Wood dowel;    L-type joints;    Finite element method;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this study 3D stress-strain distribution of dowel and glue line on L-type joints made of plywood doweled was investigated. Members of joints made of 11-ply hardwood plywood (Hornbeam, Beech and Alder) that were 19 mm in thickness. In this study effect of beech dowels in three levels diameters (6, 8 and 10 mm) and penetration of depth (9, 13 and 17 mm) on bending moment capacity of L-type joints under compression loading was investigated as experimental test, then stress-strain distribution of wood dowel and glue line in specimens were simulated by means of ANSYS 15 software with finite element method (FEM).Results have shown that bending moment resistance increased with increasing dowel diameter from 6 to 8 mm, but downward trend was observed with increasing 8 to 10 mm in dowel diameter. Bending moment resistance increased with increasing penetration depth. Also, result obtained of simulation by means of ANSYS software have shown that stress-strain in dowel and glue line increased with increasing diameter of dowel and Increasing stress in joints made of diameter dowel 10 mm due to fracture in joints and decrease in resistance once. According to results obtained of model analysis, the ultimate stress of dowel and glue line occurred in the area that joints were contacted.

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