Discursos Fotográficos
Deliberative democracy, civil society and political reform in Brazil
Hélcio Ribeiro1 
[1]Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
关键词: Deliberative democracy;    Civil society;    Law as institution;    Political reform;   
DOI  :  10.5433/2178-8189.2015v19n2p33
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The demonstrations of June of 2013 happened in a moment that social policies advanced and the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 has turned 25 years old. This article analyzes some challenges for Brazilian democracy in the face of social movements that shakes structures of Brazilian political system. Many issues were raised during the demonstrations, but the political reform was the center of the public discussion. With the support of deliberative theory of democracy and the concept of civil society of Jürgen Habermas this article surch to understand the role of civil society in the decision making process, for which the Brazilian law institutions not provide a good response.
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