EIRP Proceedings
Ludwig Wittgenstein and the fundamentals of a communication philosophy
关键词: language;    grammar;    meaning;    language game;    communication uses;    rules;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The starting premise of our study is that according to which the language does not have only oneessence, but it manifests as an extensive collection of different uses, each one having its own logic. In the latewittgensteinian philosophy the meaning of an expression is its usage in the variety of the uses that come tobuild the language. The language is fed by the all human activities and behaviours and the differentutilisations that we apply to it get substance and significance through our practical activities.. Therefore,language is a part of the structure of an ample “life form”. Ludwig Wittgenstein intend to grasp theimportance of the role played by the expressions inside the language, the main idea being that the control ofthe language consists in being able of using its expressions in the different language games they belong to.The limit is our action from which the language game stems. To know how to use the expression means tohave the ability to follow the rules for its use in different language games. In this study we intend to illustrateand analyse the theoretical measures in daily discourse.

【 授权许可】


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