Folia Medica
Behaviour Evaluation Scales For Pediatric Dental Patients – Review And Clinical Experience
Shindova Maria P.1  Belcheva Ani B.1 
[1]Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
关键词: behaviour;    evaluation scales;    children;    поведение;    шкалы оценки;    детский возраст;   
DOI  :  10.1515/folmed-2015-0006
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The present article makes a review of the relevant literature on the scales used in the assessment of behaviour of pediatric dental patients as well as presents the results we have had of using a modified Kurosu Behaviour Evaluation Scale to assess a study sample. The review makes a critical analysis of current evaluation methods and the design of assessment scales. The assessment tools most commonly used in pediatric dentistry are presented in a chronological order from the past to the present. The clinical study we conducted used a modified Behaviour Evaluation Scale developed by Kurosu for the assessment of the behaviour of children. The study showed that during dental treatment of children in the age range of 6 to 12 years the prevailing objective behaviour characteristics in accordance with Kurosu’s behaviour evaluation scale are related to the eyes and the facial expression. The findings from the literature review and the results of our study warrant further studies to develop easy-to-use assessment tools that would enhance the objective assessment of behaviour.
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