Nanoscale Research Letters
Temperature-Dependent Site Control of InAs/GaAs (001) Quantum Dots Using a Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Tip During Growth
关键词: Quantum dot;    Site control;    In situ;    Scanning tunneling microscopy;    Molecular beam epitaxy;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】


Site-controlled InAs nano dots were successfully fabricated by a STMBE system (in situ scanning tunneling microscopy during molecular beam epitaxy growth) at substrate temperatures from 50 to 430°C. After 1.5 ML of the InAs wetting layer (WL) growth by ordinal Stranski–Krastanov dot fabrication procedures, we applied voltage at particular sites on the InAs WL, creating the site where In atoms, which were migrating on the WL, favored to congregate. At 240°C, InAs nano dots (width: 20–40 nm, height: 1.5–2.0 nm) were fabricated. At 430°C, InAs nano dots (width: 16–20 nm, height: 0.75–1.5 nm) were also fabricated. However, these dots were remained at least 40 s and collapsed less than 1000 s. Then, we fabricated InAs nano dots (width: 24–150 nm, height: 2.8–28 nm) at 300°C under In and As4 irradiations. These were not collapsed and considered to high crystalline dots.

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