Journal of Cotton Research
QTL mapping for plant height and fruit branch number based on RIL population of upland cotton
Quanjia CHEN1  Qun GE2  Aiying LIU2  Quanwei LU2  Junwen LI2  Youlu YUAN2  Juwu GONG2  Zhen ZHANG2  Ruixian LIU2  Xianghui XIAO2  Wankui GONG2  Yuzhen SHI2  Haihong SHANG2  Muhammad Sajid IQBAL2 
[1] Department of Agronomy / Key Laboratory of Agriculture Biological Technology, Xinjiang Agriculture University;State Key Laboratory of Cotton Biology / Institute of Cotton Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
关键词: Upland cotton;    RIL population;    Agronomic traits;    QTL;    Plant height;    Fruiting branch number;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s42397-020-0046-x
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract Background Plant height (PH) and fruit branch number (FBN) are important traits for improving yield and mechanical harvesting of cotton. In order to identify genes of PH and FBN in cotton germplasms to develop superior cultivars, quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for these traits were detected based on the phenotypic evaluation data in nine environments across four locations and 4 years and a previously reported genetic linkage map of an recombinant inbred line (RIL) population of upland cotton. Results In total, 53 QTLs of PH and FBN, were identified on 21 chromosomes of the cotton genome except chromosomes c02, c09-c11, and c22. For PH, 27 QTLs explaining 3.81%–8.54% proportions of phenotypic variance were identified on 18 chromosomes except c02, c08-c12, c15, and c22. For FBN, 26 QTLs explaining 3.23%–11.00% proportions of phenotypic variance were identified on 16 chromosomes except c02-c03, c06, c09-c11, c17, c22-c23, and c25. Eight QTLs were simultaneously identified in at least two environments. Three QTL clusters containing seven QTLs were identified on three chromosomes (c01, c18 and c21). Eleven QTLs were the same as previously reported ones, while the rest were newly identified. Conclusions The QTLs and QTL clusters identified in the current study will be helpful to further understand the genetic mechanism of PH and FBN development of cotton and will enhance the development of excellent cultivars for mechanical managements in cotton production.

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