The design studio in promoting citizenship: an educational project developed in Aoteaora
Tatiana Tavares1  Marcos Mortensen2 
[1] Auckland Technological University;Universidad Tecnológica de Auckland ;
关键词: Design Education;    Social design;    Design Studio;    Design Atelier;    Design-based Research;   
DOI  :  10.46516/inmaterial.v11.122
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This study describes the framework of a brief developed for level 7 of a Bachelor of Graphic Design majoring in Communication Design and the design outcomes developed during an academic semester in Aotearoa. The brief employed the Design Studio approach to integrating social, technical and cognitive dimensions of knowledge construction. We explored the potential of Social Design to engage students in real-world problem and design outcomes to improve local and global contexts and facing problems that are complex and with long-term effects. The study seats in the post-positivist paradigm, and privileges the pluralism between quantitative data, and the qualitative perspectives of historical, comparative, philosophical, and phenomenological analysis. It contributes to discussions about the design studio approach in Design Education and methodologies for the development of tertiary-level curricula.

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