Nuclear Power Plant Location Selection in Vietnam under Fuzzy Environment Conditions
Chia-Nan Wang1  VanThanh Nguyen1  Chih-Chiang Su1 
[1] Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung 80778, Taiwan;
关键词: nuclear power plant (NPP);    site selection;    renewable energy;    MCDM;    FANP;    TOPSIS;    fuzzy logic;   
DOI  :  10.3390/sym10110548
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The demands for energy in general and electrical power in particular in the process of industrialization⁻modernization in Vietnam are increasing. Although other renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power have been prioritized, they cannot compensate for the shortages of electricity in Vietnam; moreover, traditional energy sources in Vietnam are not endless and will soon reach exhaustion. Nowadays, the government has chosen a solution to maximize domestic energy resources, i.e., develop renewable energy combined with importing coal and gas in appropriate proportions with the construction of nuclear power plants (NPP), which may be the optimal solution to ensure energy security, environmental protection, and sustainable development. However, site selection for construction of a nuclear power plant is one of the most difficult decisions that management faces. Thus, the authors proposed multicriteria decision-making (MCDM), including a fuzzy analytic network process (FANP) and technique for order preference by similarity of an ideal solution (TOPSIS) for NPP location selection in Vietnam. In the first stages of this research, the weight of all criteria and subcriteria will be calculated by an ANP model using fuzzy logic. A TOPSIS model is proposed for ranking all potential locations in the final stage. The results reveal that Binh Thuan is the best place for building an NPP in Vietnam. The contributions of this research include a fuzzy multicriteria decision-making (F-MCDM) approach for NPP site selection in Vietnam. This research also utilizes the evolution of a new approach that is flexible and practical for the decision-maker and provides useful guidelines for NPP site selection in countries around the world.

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