Memorie vs memoriali: conflitti di attestazione e territori del trauma nel Rwanda del post-genocidio
Michela Fusaschi1  Francesco Pompeo1 
[1] Michela Fusaschi Università di Roma Tre, Dip. Scienze Politiche Via Gabriello Chiabrera 199, 00145, Roma, Italy Francesco Pompeo Dip. di Scienze della formazione (Pompeo) Via Milazzo,11/B, 00185, Roma, Italy;
关键词: memory;    witness;    post-genocide;    museum;    rwanda;    anthropology;    history;   
DOI  :  10.12977/stor689
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Based on ethnographic research in post-genocide Rwanda, this article analyzes two different approaches to the Politics of Memory in Rwanda:  the “living memory” in the José Kagabo’s   experience and the “duty of memory “ in the official memorializations. The institutionalization of the rwandan memorial sites provides a narrative  of the massacres through the places,  showing  limits and contradictions about of a new national story telling .

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