Frontiers in Marine Science
Micronutrient influence in Nannochloropsis sp. growth and biochemical profile
Catarina Rosado Correia1  Inês Póvoa2 
[1] GIRM - Group of Investigation on Marine Resources, Campus 4: School of Tourism and Marine Technology, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria;​Necton S.A. - Portuguese Marine Cultures - Microalgae business Unit, Belamandil;
关键词: Aquaculture;    PUFA;    Microalgae mass cultivation;    micronutrient;    Biochemical profile;    Nannochloropsis sp.;   
DOI  :  10.3389/conf.fmars.2014.02.00050
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Microalgae are a heterogeneous group, which includes various and distinct taxa. However, few genera are actively used in aquaculture, due to the lack of specific requirements, like adequate size, shape and non-toxic. Nannochloropsis sp. is one of the main microalgae used in aquaculture, due to its nutritional profile and for being a fast-growing microalgae. Despite its characteristics, large-scale culture of Nannochloropsis sp. is in constant improvement, in order to accomplish the best productivity, combined with an adequate biochemical profile. In an attempt to achieve this, an experimental set-up was tested with microalgae grown in four different culture media: (1) NutriBloom [NB] (commercial medium used at Necton’s facilities), (2) NutriBloom without cobalt [NB w/Co], (3) Simplex [S] (no addition of iron or any micronutrient) and (4) Sea Mineral Solution [SMS]. Nannochloropsis’s contents of protein, carbohydrates, total lipid and PUFA’s were controlled at logarithmic and stationary phases of growth, using classical techniques, as mentioned in Lowry (1951), Dubois (1956), Bligh and Dyer (1959) and Lepage & Roy (1986). Higher productivity, dry weight and number of cells were achieved when cultured in NB and NB w/Co. In the logarithmic phase, NB w/Co presented the higher protein content, SMS showed the higher percentage of lipid and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAS). In the stationary phase, S medium showed higher lipid percentage; nevertheless, NB medium presented the higher content of protein and PUFAs. In both phases, NB medium had the higher sugar content. Differences between micronutrient concentrations explain the verified variations in the microalgae’s biochemical profile, particularly iron, copper, cobalt and molybdenium variations.

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