The Pros and Cons of Polydopamine-Sensitized Titanium Oxide for the Photoreduction of CO2
Ming Xia1  Tongyao Wang2  Xueqian Kong2 
[1] High-Performance Materials, and Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China;;Center for Chemistry of Novel &
关键词: photocatalysis;    CO2 reduction;    anatase;    polydopamine;    sensitization;   
DOI  :  10.3390/catal8050215
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 into fuels is a promising route to reduce greenhouse gas emission, and it demands high-performance photocatalysts that can use visible light in the solar spectrum. Due to its broadband light adsorption, polydopamine (PDA) is considered as a promising photo-sensitization material for semiconductor photocatalysts. In this work, titanium oxides have been coated with PDA through an in-situ oxidation polymerization method to pursue CO2 reduction under visible light. We have shown that the surface coated PDA with a thickness of around 1 nm can enhance the photocatalytic performance of anatase under visible light to reduce CO2 into CO. Assisted with additional UV-vis adsorption and photoluminescence characterizations, we confirmed the sensitization effect of PDA on anatase. Furthermore, our study shows that thicker PDA coating might not be favorable, as PDA could decompose under both visible and UV-vis light irradiations. 13C solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance showed structural differences between thin and thick PDA coatings and revealed compositional changes of PDA after light irradiation.

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