The EuroBiotech Journal
In vitro production of sesquiterpenes by electro-elicitation in Gyrinops walla Gaetner calli and cell suspension cultures
Somaratne Seneviratnege1  Munasinghe D. Sachithri P.1  Weerakoon Shyama R.1  Ranasinghe Chandani2 
[1]Department of Botany, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Sri Lanka
[2]Department of Chemistry, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Sri Lanka
关键词: sesquiterpenes;    sustainability;    gyrinops walla;    in vitro production;    electro-elicitation;   
DOI  :  10.2478/ebtj-2021-0011
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Aloeswood or Agarwood has long been perfumery commodity traded between Mediterranean Region and Southeast Asia since ancient times. Oil or chips are obtained by destructive harvesting of several Thymeleaceous genera includes Aquilaria and Gonystylus and are expensive and highly demanded ingredients in the global market. The recent recovery of Gyrinops walla as a potential producer of market-quality agarwood in mature damaged woods and branches, the intense illicit felling and exportation G. walla leading to the verge of extinction from Sri Lankan flora. The sustainable utilization of G. walla undoubtedly enhances the foreign exchange of the country and the non-destructive utilization G. walla through biotechnology is the only option available for sustainable exploitation and conservation of the vulnerable G. walla species. An electro-elicitation apparatuses were designed and built to stimulate calli and cell suspensions. The elicited and calli and cell suspensions were harvested at different time periods to extract sesquiterpenes. Current intensities of 10 mA and 50 mA, and 0.1 mA were the optimum values for the induction of sesquiterpenes; γ-selinene, β-caryophyllene, α-cadinol and α-guaiene, production in both calli and cell suspension after 8 weeks and 6 hours, respectively. The findings of the study led to conclude the possibility of induction of production of sesquiterpenes through electro-elicitation of G. walla calli and cell suspension in an in vitro system for sustainable utilization and conservation endeavours.
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