Clean Technologies
Hydrogen as a Clean and Sustainable Energy Vector for Global Transition from Fossil-Based to Zero-Carbon
Damien Guilbert1  Gianpaolo Vitale2 
[1] Group of Research in Electrical Engineering of Nancy (GREEN), Université de Lorraine, GREEN, F-54000 Nancy, France;ICAR, Institute for High Performance Computing and Networking, Italian National Research Council of Italy, 90146 Palermo, Italy;
关键词: hydrogen;    water electrolysis;    alkaline electrolyzer;    proton exchange membrane electrolyzer;    renewable energy sources;    nuclear energy;   
DOI  :  10.3390/cleantechnol3040051
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Hydrogen is recognized as a promising and attractive energy carrier to decarbonize the sectors responsible for global warming, such as electricity production, industry, and transportation. However, although hydrogen releases only water as a result of its reaction with oxygen through a fuel cell, the hydrogen production pathway is currently a challenging issue since hydrogen is produced mainly from thermochemical processes (natural gas reforming, coal gasification). On the other hand, hydrogen production through water electrolysis has attracted a lot of attention as a means to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by using low-carbon sources such as renewable energy (solar, wind, hydro) and nuclear energy. In this context, by providing an environmentally-friendly fuel instead of the currently-used fuels (unleaded petrol, gasoline, kerosene), hydrogen can be used in various applications such as transportation (aircraft, boat, vehicle, and train), energy storage, industry, medicine, and power-to-gas. This article aims to provide an overview of the main hydrogen applications (including present and future) while examining funding and barriers to building a prosperous future for the nation by addressing all the critical challenges met in all energy sectors.

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