Boundary Value Problems
Optimal control of an HIV infection model with logistic growth, celluar and homural immune response, cure rate and cell-to-cell spread
Najmeh Akbari1  Rasoul Asheghi1 
[1] Department of Mathematical Sciences, Isfahan University of Technology;
关键词: Logistic growth;    Cure rate;    Cellular immune response;    Humoral immune response;    Cell-to-Cell spread;    Article;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s13661-022-01586-1
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract In this paper, we propose an optimal control problem for an HIV infection model with cellular and humoral immune responses, logistic growth of uninfected cells, cell-to-cell spread, saturated infection, and cure rate. The model describes the interaction between uninfected cells, infected cells, free viruses, and cellular and humoral immune responses. We use two control functions in our model to show the effectiveness of drug therapy on inhibiting virus production and preventing new infections. We apply Pontryagin maximum principle to study these two control functions. Next, we simulate the role of optimal therapy in the control of the infection by numerical simulations and AMPL software.

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