Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces
Theoretical aspects of modern security threats. Definitions, typologies, evolution
Agnieszka Rogozińska1 
[1]Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Poland
关键词: security;    security science;    threats;    theory;    typology;   
DOI  :  10.5604/01.3001.0014.8112
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
In the literature on the subject, the term “security” is accompanied by the terms “non-threatening state”, “non-threatening state of peace”, “state of peace”, “state of certainty”. The lexical meaning of the term (Latin sine cura – no worries) should be understood as a situation in which there are no threats. In the context of lexical meaning, the term security means a risk-free situation. Contemporary understanding of the term focuses its attention on learning security understood as the resultant of the theory and practice of providing a reference subject with the possibility of survival (existence) and the pursuit of own interests, particularly using opportunities, taking challenges, minimizing risk and counteracting all types of threats. Definitive approaches to the term security indicate that it should be understood as a state and process. The state of security should be understood as a sense of confidence of the subject and guarantee of its survival, while the process – as chance for improvement and development of state’s means to protect and defend it. The current catalog of security threats proposed by Barry Buzan was extended in the second half of the 20th century from military nature threats to threats of a political, economic, social, and environmental nature. These changes have redefined the modern understanding of security. The main research problem was formulated as the question: what are the theoretical aspects of contemporary security threats? The article aims to analyze and diagnose contemporary definitions of security and its threats. The research process uses methodological methods of scientific cognition, mainly analysis and criticism of literature.
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