Survey on Security Threats in Agricultural IoT and Smart Farming
Nikolaos Peppes1  Theodoros Alexakis1  Konstantinos Demestichas1 
[1]Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, Zografou, 15773 Athens, Greece
关键词: agriculture;    IoT;    cybersecurity;    threats;    security;    precision agriculture;   
DOI  :  10.3390/s20226458
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The agriculture sector has held a major role in human societies across the planet throughout history. The rapid evolution in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) strongly affects the structure and the procedures of modern agriculture. Despite the advantages gained from this evolution, there are several existing as well as emerging security threats that can severely impact the agricultural domain. The present paper provides an overview of the main existing and potential threats for agriculture. Initially, the paper presents an overview of the evolution of ICT solutions and how these may be utilized and affect the agriculture sector. It then conducts an extensive literature review on the use of ICT in agriculture, as well as on the associated emerging threats and vulnerabilities. The authors highlight the main ICT innovations, techniques, benefits, threats and mitigation measures by studying the literature on them and by providing a concise discussion on the possible impacts these could have on the agri-sector.
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