Asian Spine Journal
Comparison of Unilateral versus Bilateral Kyphoplasty in Multiple Myeloma Patients and the Importance of Preoperative Planning
Maria Gerochristou1  Zinon T Kokkalis2  Mohamed Eleraky3  Ioannis D Papanastassiou3  Frank D Vrionis3  Ryan Murtagh4 
[1] Department of Dermatology, "Andreas Syngros" Hospital, Athens, Greece.;First Department of Orthopaedics, Athens University Medical School, Athens, Greece.;Neurosurgical Department, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL, USA.;Radiology Department, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL, USA.;
关键词: Compression fracture;    Magnetic resonance imaging;    Multiple myeloma;    Kyphoplasty;    Unilateral;   
DOI  :  10.4184/asj.2014.8.3.244
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Study DesignRetrospective comparative study and technical note.PurposeTo determine if there is a difference in clinical and radiographic parameters between unilateral and bilateral kyphoplasty in a uniform cancer population and to stress the importance of preoperative planning.Overview of LiteratureWhile unipedicular kyphoplasty is gaining popularity, a few comparative studies have reported on superior kyphotic reduction with the bipedicular approach.MethodsWe reviewed 69 myeloma patients with 105 operated levels (51 levels were done bilaterally vs. 54 unilaterally). Pain reduction, height restoration, cement volume and complications were recorded up to three months postoperatively. A technical note to identify the skin entry point on the basis of the magnetic resonance imaging and fluoroscopy (lateral view) is being described.ResultsBoth procedures resulted in significant pain reduction (5.4-5.6/10 points, p=0.8). There was significant height restoration after the operation (p<0.001), while there was no sustained difference between the procedures (p=0.5) up to three months postoperatively. More cement was injected in the bilateral group (4.1 mL vs. 4.9 mL, p=0.002); no difference in cement extravasation in the spinal canal was observed (p=0.5).ConclusionsThere was no difference in the clinical or radiological outcomes between the unilateral and bilateral approaches. Therefore, unilateral kyphoplasty may be performed whenever it is technically feasible and this may be determined preoperatively.

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