Annals of the University of Oradea: Fascicle of Textiles, Leatherwork
[1] Trakia University of Stara Zagora, Faculty of Technics and Technologies of Yambol Graf Ignatiev 38, 8600, Yambol, Bulgaria;
关键词: Fibonacci squares;    Fibonacci rose;    Fashion design;    Lady's dress;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The Fibonacci sequence is a symbol of beauty and harmony and by this reason geometrical objects in its proportions are used in the design. There are some versions of Fibonacci series tiling, which are constructed with equilateral geometrical figures – squares or triangles, as the sides’ lengths are equal to the numbers of the Fibonacci series, or the lengths of the sides of the squares or equilateral triangles are each to other in proportions, which are equal to Fibonacci sequence. The paper presents design of ladies’ dresses with the both ways of constructing of Fibonacci tilings with squares, the variants in a spiral pattern and the variant with squares which are put side by side, and the version of Fibonacci tiling with triangles in form of double spiral named Fibonacci rose. Nine models of ladies’ dresses are shown. As a result of the use of Fibonacci tilings for designing of aesthetic, beautiful and harmonic clothing, it can be concluded that in fashion design Fibonacci squares and Fibonacci rose can be used in different ways of color combinations, proportions toward the clothing sizes, and as a frame of creations of design elements. The different position, proportions and color combinations of use of Fibonacci squares and Fibonacci rose in fashion design according to the body type and size can cover some bodily defects and enhance the beautiful forms.

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