Data in Brief
Synthetic hourly electricity load data for the paper and food industries
Luis Ramirez Camargo1  Javier Valdes2 
[1] Corresponding author.;Institute for Applied Informatics, Technologie Campus Freyung, Technische Hochschule Deggendorf, Freyung, Germany;
关键词: Electricity load profiles;    Load shifting;    Demand response;    Cluster analysis;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The data set includes hourly time series for a period of one year of electricity demand of three different types of industries. The industries include a small food processing company, one small paper industry and one medium-large paper producing company. The data have been synthetized from two years of measured data from industries in Chile using a comprehensive clustering analysis. The synthetic data possess the same statistical characteristics as the measured data but are provided normalized to one kWh and anonymized in order to be used without confidentiality issues. The data were originally used in the associated paper [1] to assess the demand side management potential of the industries but these can be used for further energy system modelling exercises including these types of industries.

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