International Conference on Advances in Renewable Energy and Technologies 2016
A virtual laboratory for the simulation of sustainable energy systems in a low energy building: A case study
Breen, M.^1 ; O'Donovan, A.^1 ; Murphy, M.D.^1 ; Delaney, F.^1 ; Hill, M.^2 ; Sullivan, P.D.O.^1
Dept. of Process Energy and Transport Eng, Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland^1
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Eng, Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland^2
关键词: Building retrofits;    Living laboratories;    Load profiles;    Load shifting;    Low energy buildings;    Photovoltaics;    Sustainable energy systems;    Virtual laboratories;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/32/1/012061/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/32/1/012061
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The aim of this paper was to develop a virtual laboratory simulation platform of the National Building Retrofit Test-bed at the Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland. The building in question is a low-energy retrofit which is provided with electricity by renewable systems including photovoltaics and wind. It can be thought of as a living laboratory, as a number of internal and external building factors are recorded at regular intervals during human occupation. The analysis carried out in this paper demonstrated that, for the period from April to September 2015, the electricity provided by the renewable systems did not consistently match the building's electricity requirements due to differing load profiles. It was concluded that the use of load shifting techniques may help to increase the percentage of renewable energy utilisation.

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