Taxonomic and Distributional Notes on Some Astragalus L. (Fabaceae) in India
Lal Babu Chaudhary1  Sunil Kumar Srivastava2 
[1] National Botanical Research Institute, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow – 226 001, India.;Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3AB, UK.;
关键词: Astragalus;    Fabaceae;    distribution;    new combination;    India;   
DOI  :  10.6165/tai.2007.52(1).25
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this study the revised distribution records of 25 species of Astragalus L. in India has been provided along with correct nomenclature and taxonomic notes. In addition, the relationship, conservation status and Cibachrome photographs of the type materials for some species have also been included wherever found necessary. Based on field and herbarium studies nine species (I. E. A. alitschuri B. Fedtsch, A. charguschanus Freyn, A. contortuplicatus L., A. flemingii Ali, A. iodotropis Boiss. & Hohen, A. pyrrhotrichus Boiss., A. subumbellatus Klotz., A. stocksii Bunge, A. zacharensis Bunge) have been excluded, as they do not occur in the present political boundaries of India of 1971. Those species have also been discussed here which have been recently transferred from Astragalus to some other genera like Ophiocarpus (Bunge) Ikonn., Podolotus Benth. And Podlechiella Maassoumi & Kaz. Osaloo. The present investigation also reveals that about 12 species are not represented in Indian herbaria, while they have been recorded from India based on very old collections housed at different foreign herbaria. A new combination Caragana aegacanthoides (Parker) Chaudhary & Srivastava has been proposed based on Astragalus aegacanthoides Parker.

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