Ethics & Global Politics
Travel bans, climate change, refugees and human rights: a response to my critics
Gillian Brock1 
[1] University of Auckland;
关键词: migration;    refugees;    immigration;    justice;    migration justice;    justice for people on the move;    deportation;    muslim ban;    travel restrictions;    covid-19;   
DOI  :  10.1080/16544951.2021.1926087
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In responding to stimulating commentaries by David Owen, Shelley Wilcox, Tyler Paytas, Desiree Lim, and Lukas Schmid I develop my model of migration justice, showing how it has the resources needed not only to deal with these challenges but also to provide a fruitful approach to a full range of contemporary migration problems.

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