Social Sciences
Experiences of Inclusive Action and Social Design Research with Social Workers and People with Intellectual Disabilities
Alice Schippers1  Jean Pierre Wilken2  Jeroen Knevel2 
[1]Care Ethics, Disability Studies in Nederland, University of Humanistic Studies, Kromme Nieuwegracht 29, 3512 HD Utrecht, The Netherlands
[2]Institute of Social Work and Centre of Expertise in Social Innovation, University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, Padualaan 101, 3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands
关键词: action research;    design research;    inclusion;    social workers;    intellectual disabilities;   
DOI  :  10.3390/socsci11030121
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
In this study, we report on a two-year experience of inclusive participative action and social design research consisting of intensive collaboration between social workers, people with intellectual disabilities and researchers. Action research and design research are attunable and lend themselves to an inclusive approach aimed at knowledge development and change in practice. Social workers and people with intellectual disabilities were involved in a community of development. They became owners of the subject matter and the answers and solutions they designed. We conclude that an inclusive approach lends itself well to combining or even merging action research and social design research. Inclusive participative action and social design research cannot be standardized since it contains a particularly emergent process. Hence, it requires flexibility and creativity in finding ways to create an inclusive process of co-creation.
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