Transactions of the VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Mechanical Series
About the Development of External Fixators Applied In Emergency Surgery
Tomáš KUBÍN1  Karel FRYDRÝŠEK1  Jaroslav JOŘENEK1  Oldřich UČEŇ1  Luboš ŽILKA2  Vladimír JEČMÍNEK3  Leopold PLEVA3 
[1] Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, VŠB-TU Ostrava;MEDIN a.s.;Trauma Centre, University Hospital in Ostrava;
关键词: biomechanics;    polytrauma;    traumatology;    fractures of pelvis;    external fixators;    design;    numerical modelling;   
DOI  :  10.22223/tr.2013-1/1940
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

At first, the doctors mentioned their own medical experience with treatment of complex pelvic injury in patients with polytrauma and give reasons for necessity of early stabilization of pelvic fractures by means of external fixation, especially with continuous hemorrhage into lesser pelvis region and the retroperitoneum. Afterwards, they used damage control surgery methods including selective embolization. However, this article is focused also on the design of external fixators applied in traumatology and orthopaedics (i.e. skills of engineers). These fixators can be used in the treatment of open and unstable (i.e. complicated) fractures of pelvis and its acetabulum. Two versions (i.e. old and new) are compared. Numerical modelling (i.e. Finite Element Method), together with CAD modelling, experiments, material engineering, and nanotechnology are presented as a support for developing of a new design of external fixators.

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