Revista Cubana de Estomatología
Overall aspects of maxillofacial trauma
Morales Navarro, Denia1  Vila Morales, Dadonim2 
[1]Facultad de Estomatología, La Habana, Cuba
[2]Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana, Cuba
关键词: traumatology;    maxillofacial;    epidemiology.;   
DOI  :  
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】
Introduction: in trauma there is a host(patient) and a vector of transmission (motor vehicle, gun, etc.).Objective: to conduct a literaturereview on general aspects of maxillofacial trauma, including general concepts,characteristics of the region and maxillofacial trauma, epidemiology and statisticalregistration of trauma.Methods: a literature review wasconducted in the period from November-December 2014 on Web of Sciences' impactjournals (40 journals) and 1 Cuban. Three books were evaluated. Databases ofMEDLINE, PubMed and SciELO with the use of descriptors: "trauma", "maxillofacialtrauma", "epidemiology" were consulted. Articles in English and Spanish language,preferably publications in the last five years were included. 132 articles wereobtained. The study was limited to 55.Data analysis and integration: conceptssuch as that of trauma, as well as addressing the characteristics of the regionand its traumatology, are a starting point to this topic. We observed a tendencytowards changing epidemiologic patterns. The implementation of a trauma statisticrecord is key to a system for the management of these patients.Conclusions: review of the literatureallows reviewing concepts such as trauma, defined as an individual's experienceof an event or condition that is enduring a real or perceived threat to theirlives and safety, or that of a caretaker or familiar. The main causes of thesefractures are world traffic accidents, assaults, falls and sports-related injuries.Maxillofacial injuries range from simple to complex and can involve skin, softtissues and bones. Facial fractures often involve serious morbidity and occasionallyfatal. The implementation of a statistical register of trauma involves controllingand improving the quality of trauma care programs.
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